Applications are now being accepted for
The 2014 LGBTQIA Student Leadership Retreat
The University of Minnesota LGBTQIA Leadership Retreat is an annual
retreat hosted in the fall for undergraduate lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/ally students at the
University of MN Twin Cities. The retreat is sponsored by the GLBTA
Programs Office and the Queer Student Cultural Center.
purpose of the retreat is to focus on leadership development and
community building while exploring intersecting identities and
oppressions through a social justice lens. It is also a great way for
students to make new friends and meet new people!
The retreat will take place in Coffman Union on Saturday Oct. 4th, 9am-8pm and Sunday Oct. 5th, 9am-4pm . Meals will be provided and the retreat is free for U of M undergraduate participants. Space is limited.
Please fill out the application by Thursdsay, September 18th.